Wednesday, March 1, 2017

About Me


I am still working on Prinooween and still intend to start posting it to this blog sometime in March so hope you will read it and enjoy.

In the meantime I just wanted to give everyone a little background about myself in case you were interested.

I grew up in America(northeast).  I always had a passion for animals and for stories for as long as I can remember.  Although I felt drawn to these things I still tried to fit them into the standards I saw as typical.  Then something happened in my life that eroded everything I believed in.  This event set off a chain reaction which stripped away everything in my life and completely changed everything.  I ended up on a quest for truth and am still very much on that quest and am starting to accept that I will probably be on that quest for the remainder of my life.  Part of that quest led me to re-examine animals, our world and the very nature of the universe.  It led me pretty deep down the rabbit hole that I am still exploring.  I thank again all those teachers(both human and non-human) who have been a part a part of that journey so far and I also thank any future teachers(both human and non-human) as well.

My creative side was stifling before the event happened and afterwards stalled completely.  Although I occasionally had stories bounce around in my head from time to time as I was sorting things out I was too much listening to the voice I heard growing up.  That it was child's play and not to be taken seriously.  Well I have come to believe I was very wrong.  And recently I have decided to stop turning away from the stories in my head but instead embrace them.  I have decided to stop worrying about what medium the stories fit into or trying to make a buck off them and to just do it for fun.  So I very much am just creating stories and putting them out there for my enjoyment.  And I hope maybe someone else will share in my enjoyment :)

Also I am interested in trying to have fun with the comicbook/graphic novel medium but am not the best drawer in the world by any stretch so if any artist wants to join me in a fun creative story telling endeavor feel free to email me at

Hopefully Prinooween will start being told on this blog in the next couple weeks.  Stay tuned

-Matt Basile

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