Monday, August 13, 2018

The flow of life

I started this blog back in early 2016 as a way to share the lessons I learned from nature.  Even though over the past year this blog has morphed to more of a story-telling/pop-culture blog I still learn lessons from nature.  I wanted to share one I was reminded of this morning.

As I wait for my artist, Sergio Drumond, to finish up the last pages of my original comic book Wolf's Howl Part 1 and start prepping on social media for a Kickstarter campaign for Wolfs Howl this October, I find myself becoming impatient.  Things seem to kind of be in a holding pattern for me.  There was a flurry of activity in the spring and early summer with me starting work on Wolf's Howl and another comic series called Heart of Aurora.  I also was helping a friend write a screenplay and was working on comic book reviews to be published in ICC Magazine #3.  I worked on my novella Brandon's Fairy Tale and got it on Amazon.  I even found time to help a very good friend with feedback on her novel she is working on.

Now Brandon's Fairy Tale is up on Amazon, ICC Magazine #3 is published, my friend is shopping the screenplay around, Heart of Aurora is still being worked on by the artist, and I am waiting for October 2 to launch a Kickstarter for Wolf's Howl.  Now in fairness I do have a couple other projects I am trying to get off the ground but it's a slow process and I'll let you know if any of it ever gains traction.  I was feeling a little impatient and frustrated the last couple days.  Today I went for a run and stopped to sit by a stream.  I had sat by this stream many times before.    It usually trickles along.  You can barely see the water flowing.  This morning since it had just rained it was a gushing tiny river.  The water was moving fast.

This got me thinking that the flow of life is like a stream or a river.  Sometimes it is small and things are barely moving and sometimes it's a gushing fast moving current that takes you for a ride.  You have to take whatever phase you are in and be open to change.  Things in my life were moving fast just like the stream was this morning.  But right now my life is like the stream on other days.  Calming and taking it's time.  I have to relax and let the flow of life takes its proper course.  I should enjoy the calmer periods so I am more ready during the faster periods.  Life like a river will always change.  I will be ready for the next fast moving currents but in the meantime I will enjoy the tranquility.

Friday, August 3, 2018


So the artist is finishing up the last few pages of Wolf's Howl Part 1. I will paste the cover at the bottom of this entry.  After he finishes up which should be within the next couple weeks I will start trying to send it out to publications and websites for advanced reviews.  I have already started gearing up for the Kickstarter Campaign on social media.  Feel free to follow me on any of these sites.

I have contacted a friend and we are currently working on putting together a trailer that we hope to have completed by early September.  I plan to launch the kickstarter on October 2.  In the meantime I am dabbling in writing some other projects to keep the writing muscle strong.  I want to thank everyone for following me along on this journey and I will keep you updated as things progress.