Monday, September 24, 2018

So the ride begins

So in my last post I compared the Kickstarter experience so far to a roller coaster slowly climbing that first hill.  Now that I am just about a week before the launch of the campaign I feel like I am at the top of that first hill.  It's the moment that seems like an eternity right before you plummet back towards the ground and the ride really starts to get going.

I've been trying to promote myself and Wolf's Howl on social media.  Getting as much prepared as I can before the Kickstarter campaign for Wolf's Howl Part 1 launches on October 2, 2018.  I had a hiccup with my computer going down but was fortunate enough to get a spare one to use while it's being repaired.  Should have it back in time for the launch date.  Definitely a lesson in going with the flow though.  Something that has definitely become key for my survival these days.  And preparing for Kickstarter campaign for my self-published comic has only underscored that need all the more.

The reason I picked that date in case your wondering is because it's a 30-day campaign and since it begins October 2 the last night of the campaign will be Halloween night.  I used to love trick or treating and wish I could still do it.  This year on Halloween I will be trick or treating once more.  But instead of going door to door for candy and other goodies to eat; I will be trick or treating for financial support of my dream.

Regardless of what happens with this Kickstarter it was a good experience so far I must say.  It definitely got me out of my comfort zone in a lot of areas and helped show me what I was capable of doing.  It also gave me the opportunity to make a lot of great contacts and friendships.  So nothing left to do but hold on and see where this crazy ride takes me.  Wish me luck!

P.S. I will be posting the Kickstarter page to this blog once it goes live in October.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The comic book is finished!!!!!

Hope everyone who celebrates it had a great Labor Day Weekend!

So things have started to pick up pace for me.  The river is starting to move faster.  Sergio Drumond, has completed the final page of Wolf's Howl Part 1 which I put at the bottom of this entry.  I am very excited to have one of my stories finally come alive visually like this!  It is an exciting time!  It was great working with Sergio.  Couldn't have asked for a better creative partner on my first comic book venture.  He is not only a talented artist but very professional as well.  The Kickstarter page is almost finished and I will be launching the campaign October 2, 2018.  I have sent out preview copies of Wolf's Howl Part 1 to several online publications that review indie comics over the last couple weeks.     I will let you know if I get written about in any of them.  I have also started reaching out to Wolf sanctuaries as well.  I will be interviewed by Fortress Comics News on Oct. 7 and will be doing a podcast with my friend Josh Burkey over at Victims and Villains on Sept. 7.  Hopefully all these 7's bring me good luck!  I will continue to try and update this blog as things progress.  I kind of feel like the start of a roller coaster ride as you slowly crank up that first hill with anticipation.

-Matthew Basile