Wednesday, November 7, 2018


So the Kickstarter was a success!  The goal was reached and now it is time to roll up the sleeves.  I got some initial feedback from the pages of Wolf's Howl that I posted on social media to promote the Kickstarter.  It seems that the lettering was not up to par with the art and story.  One fellow comic book writer put it bluntly and told me that my comic looked fine if I was ok with it just being an indie but if I wanted to ever get a publisher interested I needed to have a professional do the lettering.  Lettering for those of you unfamiliar with it is the actual words in a comic book.  So since I would love a publisher to pick up Wolf's Howl I decided to hire DC Hopkins to redo the lettering.  He is working on it now and we will see where it goes.

Either way the Kickstarter was a great experience for me to learn about myself, make new connections with people, and face my fears of exposing myself and my writing.  Now it's time to get my writing out to the world.  We will see what happens when DC is finished.