Sunday, March 26, 2017

Prinooween-Chapter 16

Chapter 16 

The four earthlings are getting tired as they have walked now for what seems like an eternity.  Judging by the sun two days have passed but John hasn’t quite figured out for sure how long a day is here on Prinooween.  Although their survival skills have kept them alive they have felt far from secure.  They are used to traveling great distances and are physically fit but still they are human and have limits.  They grow weary and need rest.  Yet they fear that they have not gotten far enough away from the fighting that they are trying to flee.  “I don’t know about everyone else but I am not sure how much longer I can go on at this pace”, says Sal.
“Perhaps it would be wise to take a break.”
“We don’t know if we have left Briccxon far enough behind yet”, says Michael.
“Hey I hear you buddy and my mind agrees with you but my body doesn’t.  And it’s never good when those two fight”, says Sal.
“Our nap shifts aren’t cutting it I agree.  Maybe there is a cave or some kind of shelter we can take refugee in”, suggests Karen.  
“Just like old times.”
Just then they hear a screaming screech of anguish.  They turn towards the sound and see a huge beast with with slick brown skin and fins and tentacles on it’s face rise out of the forest.  In it’s mouth full of razor sharp teeth is a Magplit.  Other Magplits appear out of the bushes nearby screaming and running way.
“What are they doing here”, says John.
“Stalking us most likely”, says Michael.
“Uh guys I think we have bigger problems at the moment.”  The creature now finished with devouring the Magplit turns his hungry attention towards the four earthlings.  They ready their weapons in vain.  Suddenly a small figure walks out of the bush and gets in-between the foursome and the hungry beast.  The small figure’s back is to the four earthlings but they can see it is only about 3 or 4 feet tall and it’s skin appears to be an exoskeleton of some sort almost like an insect or a scorpion.  It has long white wispy thin hair coming from it’s head falling half way down it’s back.  The figure raises one of it’s two arms and they can see it has 6 fingers and they also notice it’s two bare feet have 6 toes as well.  
The beast stares at the figure for a few moments and then quietly and peacefully walks away.  The figure then turns to the four earthlings who are taken aback when they see its face.  It looks like a giant ant head only no antenna or mandibles or mouth of any kind for that matter.  Just two big black eyes that look wrinkled in an upside down tear drop shaped head.  The foursome then hear in their heads a voice that is not their own saying, “That was a mistake due to misunderstanding.  That Yulong got confused.  He didn’t realize you are strangers in this world.  Do not take offense.”
“Whoa!  Did anyone else just have a voice apologize to them in their heads?”
“I think it’s him or her or whatever communicating with us telepathically”, says John.
“How is that possible?”
“I am sorry you are unfamiliar with that form of communication”, comes the voice again.
“How are you doing this?”, asks John.
“I am speaking to your energy”, comes the response, “It is different than the inhabitants of this planet but close enough.”
“Wait you can tell we aren’t from here?”
“How did you make big bad and hungry go away.  Not that we are complaining of course.”
“I explained to him your energy did not originate here.  He apologizes to you for he did not realize you were not originally from here and may not be aware of the customs.”
“Let me guess”, says Michael, “In return for helping us you want us to join your cause and fight on your side.”
The voice comes back in reply, “Conflict disrupts the flow of life.  My kind try to avoid it whenever possible.  We have no reason to fight but if you would like to I can introduce you to Queen Bennu for she partakes in conflict.”
“Wow someone finally makes some sense around here.”
“Who is Queen Bennu?”, asks John.
“The ruler of Wataman.  She does not fight our people for we give her talismans and medicine to aid her people.”
Smart, thinks John to himself.  These people know how to play the game.
“We don’t want to fight either”, says Karen.
“Follow me”, the voice says as the figure turns and walks back into the bush where he came from.  The four earthlings all look at each other.  Michael shrugs.  The foursome, weapons at the ready, then follow the insect figure into the bush.  The vegetation is dense and the earthlings can hardly see where they are going as they push branches aside and stumble over vines and shrubs.  The figure is far ahead of them as he easily navigates the path.  Without warning the vegetation ends and suddenly they find themselves in a large clearing with soft grassy meadows that end in dunes up against a gentle ocean lapping along a white sandy pristine beach.  All along the shore and in the meadow are little huts.  There are many other insect like figures in the small village using rudimentary stone, bone and wood tools.  There are wooden rafts with sails beached on the shoreline with nets.  
The figure they followed points to another like him walking up to them flanked by several others.  The voice says, “This is Ulasa our leader.”  They then hear another voice they take to be Ulasa say, “Welcome!  I understand you seek peace and rest.  You are welcome to find respite here.”
John says, “Thank you we appreciate it but you really require nothing in return?  Everyone we have met here so far is suspicious of us or wants us to join their side in the fighting.”
“Yes it is unfortunate.  You see the people are clouded because the spirit of life that watched over this planet has been absent for many ages.  Without the spirit’s guidance the flow of life has become stagnant.  Chaos and conflict now reign supreme as people have gotten lost and forgotten the ways of life.”
“Everyone talks hocus pocus here”, says Sal.
“Our people bide our time within the life cycles of this world the best we can.”
“I think we can get behind that”, says Karen.
“You are welcome to freely enter the flow of life at any time.  To give and receive with openness.” 
“Guys did we just find what we have been searching for?”, asks Karen.
“There has to be a catch”, says Michael.
“Search your heart and see if this is home.”
“What do you eat?”, asks Michael suspiciously.
Ulasa points to a murky pool of water in the center of the village with others sitting in the pool.  “We put organic material and water from the ocean in that pool and sit in it and energy flows into our body through our skin.”
“Ew gross”, says Sal.
“Fascinating”, says John.
Sal shoots John a look, “You are a bizarre little man you know that.”
John ignores him, “There must be some kind of bacteria or fungus which breaks down what they put in the pool that reacts with the make up of the water from the ocean.  It becomes like a compost pile.  They absorb the nutrients through some kind of skin osmosis.”
“Well that’s all good professor.  Thanks for the science lesson but I ain’t sitting in that cesspool”, snarks Sal.
Ulasa chimes in, “You don’t have to.  You can take energy from other sources.  As long as you are willing to give, you can take.”  
One of the little insect people walks up to Sal with a fish and offers it to him.  “Sushi.  Now that’s more like it.”
“And what do we have to give?”, asks Michael.  
“Whatever you are called by the universe to give to help the flow of life.”
“What does everyone think?”
“I think it’s too good to be true.”
“Come eat, rest with us.”  The four earthlings are led into a hut and are brought a plate of food.  

John shrugs, “When in Rome.”  The earthlings dig in and after their bellies are full they soon fall fast asleep comforted that they may have finally found rest.

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