Thursday, June 14, 2018

Things are finally moving

So last week I published my novella Brandon's Fairy Tale on Amazon.  Click here if you want to read it.  I want to give my deepest thanks and appreciation to all those who have purchased it and shared it and supported my writing.  Your congratulations and encouragement touched me deeply.  It means more to me than I can express.

This past week I approved the first 5 pages of my new comic book series called Wolf's Howl.  Wolf's Howl is very special to me and I am looking forward to sharing it with you.  I started writing it back around late 2011 and early 2012 but stopped mid-way.  I had lost my zest for writing back then and turned my back on what always had come naturally to me as a passion.  Fast forward to mid 2016.  While I was cleaning out the apartment due to a move I stumbled upon the notebook I had started writing Wolf's Howl in.  I flipped through the pages of my writing and thought the story was good and deserved to be finished.  So I set about not caring what medium or fate the story would have I just wrote what the characters were telling me had happened to them.  I finished that first notebook and nearly finished a second.  It felt good to write again and I started having all these fresh ideas that I wanted to get out there.  So I kept filling notebooks and soon I was going to writing groups.  People started suggesting I try writing a comic book so I came up with an idea for a series and hired an artist.  That artist didn't work out and in March of this year I shelved the idea not knowing what to do.  I started working on this other story about a fairy I had come up with and decided to try and turn it into a novella while I figured out the fate of my comic book career.

Eventually I came to the conclusion that if nothing else I wanted to get that original story called Wolf's Howl out there for better or for worse.  I needed to honor that story for helping me get back into writing.  So I found a new artist and broke that story up into issues and am now working on completing the first issue and can't wait to share it with everyone.  And in the meantime I published that fairy story on Amazon.  So hopefully by the end of this year I will have a novella and comic book out that I can be proud of.  Stay tuned.

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