Monday, July 17, 2017

New Story Idea

So I am while I am waiting on artwork to come in and revising my writing for my first comic book limited series I thought I would post a story idea I had been kicking around for another comic series.  This story is NOT the comic book I am currently working on.  Just an idea I had that I think would make a cool one someday and I would like to work on in the future.  So please let me know your thoughts.  As always I am open to any feedback and welcome it.  Hope you enjoy :)


A young teenage girl named Kristen sits on a hill.  The sun is setting in the sky but there is still enough light to see.  Large fields many with crops surround her and small barns and garage like buildings are clustered on one side.  To the other side is a pasture with three horses grazing.  The sun is waning in the sky and a gentle breeze blows through the orchard directly in front of her.  A forest surrounds the land.  Kristen has a tabby cat curled up next to her right side and a small terrier dog curled up on her left side.  She has a notebook in her lap that she is writing in.
She writes: The compound is quiet tonight and everything seems so peaceful.  I love moments like these.  Uncle Brendan likes them too.  He said they make him almost once again believe in the myth that we live in a humane world.  Whatever that means.  I just like it when everyone is cheerful and happy.  Things suck in the world today.  I like it when you can forget all that stuff and have fun.  The adults say I am lucky that I am a kid.  That I can shut all the stuff out.  But I see what’s going on around me.  I know much more than they think I do.  They think I actually believe the story about Mom and Dad having to go help another settlement and that is why I am staying with Uncle Brendan.  I am old enough to know better I just let them think I don’t know because it makes them happier to think they are protecting me.  I am not sure how old I am but I know I am at least 11 maybe 12.  My birthday wasn’t too far off when I first heard about the zombies.  
I remember how everything happened so quick.  I try not to think about that day that they sent us home from school.  I had seen stuff on the internet and my friends and I joked about it but when the principal came over the speaker and told us our parents had been contacted to come pick us up and we weren’t to go back to school until the government said so, well I heard the panic in her voice.  I just knew something horrible was happening.  We only lived a few blocks from school so I ditched the teachers and ran home when I didn’t see Mom or Dad anywhere at school.  But when I got home no one was there either.  They weren’t answering their phones.  I couldn’t get through to anyone so I just waited and waited with Harley on my lap.  Harley’s purring calmed me some.  
Then I saw Uncle Brendan’s truck pull up.  He told me Mom and Dad got held up helping others and that he was going to take me someplace safe till they were finished.  He helped me pack a bag and we packed one for Harley too and then me and Harley got in his truck.  He told me to keep my eyes closed while he drove.  He said to just pet Harley and listen to his music.  I always loved the music he listened to.  It wasn’t the kind Mom and Dad usually let me listen to.  Anyway I did as he asked to make him feel better.  I could tell he was upset.  But I still peeked.  I saw the people screaming and running from other people.  The people chasing them looked crazed.  Like something was missing in their eyes.  
It bothered me so much to see those people acting like that.  So I asked Uncle Brendan about them when we got to his house.  He scolded me for peeking.  Then he said that those people lost their humanity.  He said a lot of people are acting weird.  He said that was why he came and got me because we are all going to hold up at his place with friends until things go back to normal.  That was a while ago and things still haven’t gone back to normal.  Not sure how long it’s been.  Things get boring here at the compound sometimes so days blend together. 
Some of the people are fun here if you catch them at the right time.  Some suck though.  Uncle Brendan doesn’t let me go very far from the main buildings without supervision but there is so much land and people that I sneak off without him knowing and explore.  Zombies occasionally run up and attack us or the animals but the others take care of them pretty quickly.  And I haven’t run into any troubles when I go off by myself.  I can take care of myself.  No zombie will get me.  Zombies it still seems so unreal.  Zombies.

Kristen stops writing and stares at the word zombies on the page and is snapped out of it by Brendan’s voice calling to her.  “Come on Harley.  Come on Teddy.  Let’s go in before Uncle Brendan gets angry.”  Kristen then walks towards the buildings with the cat and dog following her.  

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