Sunday, March 20, 2016

Changing Seasons

Science tells us why the seasons change and different parts of the world experience different amounts of sunlight.  But I find the changing in the seasons in nature and the variations in daylight as reminders that all things change.  As we live our lives change is inevitable.  We go through periods and cycles just like everything else on the earth.  Some of those periods are marked with struggle and some of those periods are marked with joy.  Nothing stays the same and we are all constantly in motion.  So we must accept that things change in our lives and that we go through new periods and experience new experiences.

Everyone must have their time in the sun so to speak.  The seasons change and some animals do better in the long summer days.  While others thrive in the cold of winter.  The darkness sometimes wins over light and at other times in the year light prevails over darkness but equilibrium and balance is always achieved during the equinox.  That is what life is after all a balance so everyone gets their turn and shares in the joys and travails of this planet.  We just have to remember to accept the good and the bad in turn, even though it can be very hard at times.  I find it helps to keep in mind what is good for one individual is bad for another.  Rain might ruin your softball game plans but it helps the plants grow for instance.  A preys death means food for potentially many others in nature.  

So I have learned from these cycles of the earth that sometimes bad stuff happens and sometimes good stuff.  Sometimes I am ahead and sometimes I am behind.  But there is no race in reality just a journey that is yours and yours alone.  One set of conditions and circumstances will give way to another set.  I have to learn to ride these cycles as they come like the ocean waves.  Take what I can get from each moment and allow others to have their moments too, trusting that their will always be balance.  For balance is truly the natural state of things on this earth.

What changes did you have to endure?  Did you ever have a bad situation turn out to be good or vice versa?  How did you overcome the bad and learn to embrace the good.  It can be a difficult thing and takes practice I know so I would love to hear some stories :)

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