Thursday, March 31, 2016

Bonds of Trust Create Connections

We here on this planet we call earth trying to survive.  That's all any of us are here to do.  Everything else is extra.  Whether we are trying to earn money, raise a family, build a business, have fun with friends, create art, or help others our main goal is to survive for as long and as successfully as we can.  But no matter how hard we try to survive and how successful we are at it we will eventually die and leave this earth.  Our bodies will remain behind on this plant. Our soul(if you believe in one) goes somewhere else.  And our mind, the interface between our bodies of this earth and a soul if you believe in one, just shuts down.  

What is left behind on this earth besides our bodies made of matter are the connections we make while here.  All animals including the animal known as human strive to make these connections.  These connects are complicated and very complex.  They can be difficult to put into words but they are based on bonds of trust.  My two dogs spend more time together than I probably spend with anyone.  They have a unique relationship that belongs to just them.  I don't know what it is because it is there's alone.  It is one based on trust and I am sure it is fluid but it is one they made and it stands strong in their lives.  These are the types of connections I am referring to when I say connections.  They are intimate relationships built on trust and respect that are fluid but strong.  They are two hearts touching.  You know when you have them.  They aren't based on bloodlines or geographic proximity or past circumstances.  Although that stuff may be a component it is only a starting point.  True connections are something far more.

Social animals such as humans strive to make these connections even harder than non social animals but all make them.  The solitary mammals like bears or tigers still make connections with their young.  Social animals such as wolves and chimpanzees will make connections with members of their own group.  Connections can be made across gender and age as well as species.  Any human who has truly bonded with an animal knows that the heart can cross specie barriers.  But animals can bond with other species besides humans.  There is the case of the bear, lion and tiger who are all friends.  The stray cat and the lynx who are best buds at a zoo.  Then there was the goat who just couldn't live without his burro friend.  Then the famous case of a lion who remembered his human friends after a year of being rehabilitated in the wild.  You can see many of these stories on internet websites such as this one of cases of cross species friendships both in the wild and in domestication.

This drive for connection exists because that is what makes life interesting.  That is what we remember and take with us.  The connections teach us things, warm our heart, and make our time here all the more fruitful and enjoyable.  The connections can be brief or life long.  Think back on your life and my guess if you are like me the connections you made with others will be the memories that are the strongest.  We remember those we meet along our path. They stay with us long after our paths have gone separate ways. Their spirits linger in our hearts.  

Whether they were bad or good we can learn from them and cherish the good parts and learn from the bad.  We teach them and they teach us.  We can cry with them or laugh with them.  We can share and we can have fun.  Or we can just stand with them to support.  There were two people who wanted to film wolves so they raised a pack of wolves and observed them and then after the project the wolves were relocated to a Native American reservation.  When the wolves were released in their new territory the omega was too scared to come out of the his cage even though the rest of the pack was already out.  So his littermate who was also the alpha male of the pack walked over to the omega's cage and they whimpered and sniffed to each other and then the omega cautiously stepped out and his brother pressed his shoulder against his and the two of them walked out into their new territory together. We all need someone at times to brave this life and continue walking it's journey.  

Now sometimes attempts at connections don't work or connections eventually fade away or may become toxic so that is why you want to choose them carefully and respect others choices.  We all get to choose our connections in this life.  But whatever connections you choose make them and however long they last treasure them and enjoy them.  Make sure they are real connections not false ones and make as many as you want.  I once asked a 90 year old man if he had any words of wisdom after 90 years.  He responded with a fart joke but after he laughed he paused looked off and said "Just relax and enjoy those around you".  So lets all enjoy humans and non-human relationships.  We all need them after all.  I would love to connect with any of you so please feel free to leave comments or follow me on twitter or leave your email address or all of the above if you wish :)  Feel free to share stories of your own profound connections as well!

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